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Eucharisztikus Kongresszus
Katolikus Karitász
Magyar Kurír
Új Ember
Vatikáni Rádió
Szent István Rádió, Eger
Mária Rádió
nyil Katolikus média bővebben


17 March The government orders the nationalisation and redistribution of all estates over 100 "hold" (57 hectares) and promises compensation for it.
29 March Unexpected death of Jusztinián Serédi at the age of 61. He had been Archbishop of Esztergom and prince primate of Hungary since 1927.
2 April Vilmos Apor, bishop of Győr sacrifices his life in defence of women refugees staying in the bishop's residence.
3 April Angelo Rota, papal legate, is expelled from Hungary.
19 May József Mindszenty, bishop of Veszprém and Lajos Shvoy, bishop of Székesfehérvár return to their seats from the prison of the Hungarian fascists in Sopronkőhida.
24 May The Hungarian bishops' conference issues a pastoral letter on recent war-events, the restoration of morals, and .the land reform. ,"May God allow that the prosperity of the new landowners give comfort to the Church for all its losses and problems."
July-October 86 priests are expelled from the Hungarian region of Slovakia. Legal action is taken against a further 21.
August Actio Catholica launches a new weekly. It is called "Új Ember' (New Man). Responsible editor: Balduin Pénzes, a Benedictine teacher.
16 August József Mindszenty appointed Archbishop Of Esztergom.
19-20 August The American military mission in Budapest brings back from Salzburg the holy relic of St Stephen's right hand. Thousands take part in the procession the next day.
7 October József Mindszenty is inaugurated in Esztergom amid great ceremony.
14 November József Mindszenty protests in his pastoral letter against the harassment of Hungarians in Slovakia.
20 November The Control Committee of the Allied Forces ordains the expatriation of Hungary's German minority to Germany.


Napi evangelium
Én vagyok az igazi szőlőtő, és Atyám a szőlőműves.
  Jn 15,1-8

>>> Napi evangélium


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